Five Branches of TCM
Acupuncture is the most talked-about part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), but it is only a fraction of the picture. TCM is the oldest medical system in the world. It was developed over thousands of years of observation of how the human body works, ails, and heals and how it is connected to the outside world. We are nature.
At my acupuncture clinic, I work to incorporate many aspects of TCM when I work with my clients. I do a lot of cupping and gua-sha to help relax tight muscles and I love talking to my clients about food and herbal medicine and the best kind of movement for their constitutions. No two clients are alike. Every acupuncture treatment is highly individualized to the person’s needs in that moment.
If you have question about TCM or how receiving a series of acupuncture treatments could help you, please send me a message here. I love introducing people to this amazing and complex medical system and I’m here to help.