Feather & Seed / Yang & Yin
The idea for naming my business Feather & Seed came from the inspiration I feel whenever I come across one of them on a walk. They have felts like hints from the universe that I am on the right path or good luck charms. I’ve collected them for a long time and friends and family have gifted them to me years before I named my business in 2015.
I love their duality as objects and as energy. While studying TCM, the concept of duality is studied deeply with the Yin Yang theory. I used this theory every day when I’m diagnosing my clients. Are they yin deficient? Are they yang deficient? Do they have excess yang energy? All of these patterns present themselves in different ways and need to be balanced out accordingly with acupuncture, food-as-medicine, and lifestyle.
Yang relates to the feather which is hollow, active, and above.
Yin relates to the seed which is dense, generates growth, and below.
How are you balancing the yin and yang in you? Which do you need to nurture more?